Advent of Code, Day 4: Passport Processing

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I ran this code in the devtoolbar in Chrome, and the answers were simply outputted to the console. Learn more about my solution.

Part I

"Passport data is validated in batch files (your puzzle input). Each passport is represented as a sequence of key:value pairs separated by spaces or newlines. Passports are separated by blank lines... Count the number of valid passports - those that have all required fields. Treat cid as optional. In your batch file, how many passports are valid?" ref
var data = window.document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].innerText
var transformPassports = data.replace(/\n\n/ig,'LOZZI')
var noNewLines = transformPassports.replace(/\n/ig, ' ')
var passports = noNewLines.split('LOZZI')
var counter = 0
passports.forEach(p => {
    var fields = p.trim().split(' ')
    if(fields.length === 8) {
    } else if(fields.length === 7 && p.indexOf('cid') === -1){
        counter ++

Part II

"You can continue to ignore the cid field, but each other field has strict rules about what values are valid for automatic validation." ref
var data = window.document.getElementsByTagName("pre")[0].innerText
var transformPassports = data.replace(/\n\n/ig,'LOZZI')
var noNewLines = transformPassports.replace(/\n/ig, ' ')
var passports = noNewLines.split('LOZZI')
var isValid = (field) => {
  var pair = field.split(':')
  var value = pair[1]
  switch (pair[0]) {
      case 'byr':
          if(value.length !== 4) return false
          if(Number(value) >= 1920 && Number(value) <= 2002) return true
      case 'iyr':
          if(value.length !== 4) return false
          if(Number(value) >= 2010 && Number(value) <= 2020) return true
      case 'eyr':
          if(value.length !== 4) return false
          if(Number(value) >= 2020 && Number(value) <= 2030) return true
      case 'hgt':
          var height = value.match(/([0-9]*)(cm|in)/)
          if(height) {
              var measurement = height[2]
              var heightVal = height[1]
              if(measurement === 'cm') {
                  if(Number(heightVal) >= 150 && Number(heightVal) <= 193) return true
              if(measurement === 'in') {
                  if(Number(heightVal) >= 59 && Number(heightVal) <= 76)return true
      case 'hcl':
          if(value.match(/#[0-9a-fA-F]{6}/)) return true
      case 'ecl':
          if(value.length !== 3) return false
          if(value.match(/amb|blu|brn|gry|grn|hzl|oth/)) return true
      case 'pid':
          if(value.length !== 9) return false
          if(Number(value)) return true
      case 'cid':
          return true
  return false
var counter = 0
passports.forEach(p => {
    var fields = p.trim().split(' ')
    if(fields.length === 8 || (fields.length === 7 && p.indexOf('cid') === -1)){
      if(fields.every(f => isValid(f))) counter++
Created with ❤️ by David Lozzi

Advent of Code
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